Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Highlights from the Edusummit in Beijing-April 15, 2014


The first ever, Edusummit held in Beijing, China, offered a unique opportunity discuss how to cultivate global citizenship through  international, collaborative and educational programs. It was a chance to foster collegial opportunities for educators and learners. The summit was hosted in conjunction with partners at Cambridge Institute of International Education  and KnowledgeLink .  www.kleducation.org
(currently 250 high schools and 15 colleges in 40 states across america are enrolled in the exchange initiative)   
We had the honor to spend 5 hours today  with a panel of educational officials from the Chinese Ministry along with the former Commissioner of Education of Massachusetts,  Dr. David Driscoll.  We discussed the major philosophies of the educational systems between the United States and China.
Keynote Speaker, Dr. Driscoll, highlighted DESE's (Department of Elementary and Secondary Schools) key initiatives for 2013-2014, as well as the Common Core Standards which will prepare our students to  compete with other students around the world. 

Questions and comments included:
Regulations and cooperation needed between China and US in the 10th -12th grade.  
Federal law mandates we discussed regarding private schools vs public schools,( Federal Government only allows one year of study in the U.S. for public schools however, private schools, there is not a limitation to years of study in the United States.)
China and U.S. agree that the application process for international students who are seeking higher education, have an advantage with a guidance counselor in America.
PARCC testing has potential to be a more effective assessment than MCAS.
Driscoll states, that we have someone who is looking at the similarities of student assessments between US and other countries.
Personalization and Individualization is a goal of American schools
We in America, believe that all children can and will learn.
Economy-(American perspective)
"The GNP Factor k-12 schools and higher education.  More  countries around the world are paying the US for royalties more that any other service...In other words, countries are paying us for our "ideas".

China perspective:
China asks U.S. for help with the guidance process for international students in regards to higher education.

China counterparts questioned the differences/advantages of domestic students who apply to colleges/universities vs. international students application process.

China states," We are vested in building Partnership Schools."
Global Perspective--this is a main goal of our country, to coexist in the globalization of education. (UNESCO) Pilot partnership schools are a top priority for China.  "We expect to see more of them in the future."

Professor, Chang hui Hua of the University of Nottingham
"We have a mission for our pilot partnership schools, to choose the best schools, best principals and the best resources.  We have had great success with the Massachusetts and Pennsylvanian schools.  We want to expand our partnerships while reforming education in China." 
The University Model of China, includes;Teaching, Research and Service.  

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